Spring 2025
Biostats Open Lab!
Wednesdays 10 to 11 am, Jan 15 to Apr 30
SPH 195 (Enberg studio)
Consultant: Erik Parker, Biostatistician
Need help with data analysis?
Join us for our weekly "Biostats Open Lab" for help on research projects!
Geared towards graduate students, but all are welcome (postdocs, faculty...anyone doing research.)
Every Wednesday at 10am to 11am, you can drop in to PH195 to get hands-on support for all your biostats questions on your DIY projects. Whether you're stuck on a tricky analysis or just need some guidance, we're here to help.
Free! No appointment needed—just bring your questions and your enthusiasm!
* Notes:
+ PH195 is in the SW corner of the building near the gym. Enter the doors closest to the IMU pictured here: Garrett Fieldhouse.
+ Projects should be discussed with faculty advisors first. The consultant advising is not responsible for the project and is only providing friendly advice.
+ Consulting is for research projects only, no stats homework :)
+ Sorry if this day/time doesn't work for you. Individual consulting sessions can be scheduled on our website at our usual rates.